Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Response #2

Will there be any fish in 2050?
As I was waiting for this podcast to download, I was thinking; what would we do with no fish? Or even, what would fish look like in 40 years? I thought; why would they look different? Well as I listened to these people talk they gave some great points about why fish will be different or if there even will be any fish in 2050. As Villy Christiensen said on the ABC science show that by 2050 our seas will be filled with tiny fish, the large predatory fish will be largely gone (Fisher).  So what happened to all the fish? Well studies have found that are built on global information that because of the way the large fishing fleets have been developing and also there will be consequences from global warming (Fisher). Now, they aren’t telling us not to fish, but instead use all the fish that are caught and not focus on the big prize fish or fish high in the food world.                                                    
Fisheries are a good thing, they do the hard work and catch the fish that we get to eat; they also are jobs to thousands of people. If there were no fish left, or even just tiny fish that people would not eat, than that means that thousands of people are out of a job and we don’t get to eat yummy fish. So what should be done to help in the “war against fish”? As of right now in the war against fish, we are winning. 90% of large fish have been wiped out, and the surge continues (Fisher). Siwa Misangi, a research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute, says that there should be quotas enforced for catching fish. But, there also needs to be a way to enforce this quota. There have been some success in fishery quotas, but on a global level, it’s not enough. They have found that the European fisheries are the most uncontrolled and they are totally out fishing the sea. A lot of effort will be needed there to control their fishing because poor people trying to fish to feed their families and survive, can’t catch any fish because of the overfishing.                                         
This fear of not having large fish by 2050 is nothing new in the hunting/fishing world. How many other animals have humans made extinct? Lots of them, why do we need to overfish and make this species extinct also? If we enjoy fish now and fisheries give people jobs then there definitely needs to be a quota for the fisheries so that in 2050, we won’t have to worry about not having any fish.

Fisher, David. The science show. 26 02 2011. <http://www.abc.net.au/rn/scienceshow/stories/2011/3145424.htm>.

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